Monday, September 17, 2012

Module 3: Jumanji

Title: Jumanji
Author: Chris Van Allsburg

This is a really great book of how two children who just happened to be bored on the evening that their parents were going out and expected to bring home some special guests. Judy and Peter happened to walk out of their house to get some fresh air or even play for awhile never expecting that in a few minutes they would be in the wildest game they ever played. These children walked across the street to the park and came across a board game under a tree while playing. Although they were uncertain whether or not to take it home, it did look just like other board games they had, but it came with a note so they were curious and they ran home with it. After reading the note, they started to play. Peter was the first one to move his piece after throwing the dice when Judy notice a lion lying on the piano. Every throw made them move and every move there appeared an animal, as they were getting scared of what they were now seeing, they could not get rid of them until the last player reached the finish point. Judy now knew that they could not stop as weird things were happening before their eyes. Time was flying and they needed to get rid of the lion, monkeys, rain, guide, rhinoceros, and python before their parents got home with the guests. Judy needed to roll a twelve, when she finally did she yelled with her might "JUMANJI" and everything disappeared just as they have appeared. When their parents got home everything was in order and they were so tired.

Allsburg Van, C. (1981). Jumanji. New York, NY: Houghton Mifflin Company.

My Impression:
I loved and had a good laugh at this story because these children didn't expect anything like this to happen. The author decided to make the story line very exciting for two normal who just wanted to do something fun being that they were bored. Allsburg went out of his way to creating this story with wild and scary animals and blowing everything out of proportions where the children couldn't believe what they were seeing. As much as they wanted to get rid of these animals, I loved how they had to get back to the game to finish it. It really showed team work as Peter although scared the whole time, he listened and did what his sister told him to do because if it was me, I would have probably ran off leaving her in the room by herself. They would have never finished the game by the time their parents got home and it would have been a whole different story by then.

Professional Review:

Pollack, Pamela D. (1981, May). School Library Journal. [Review of the book Jumanji]. 27 (9), p 60.  

Library Use:
Librarian will read the book and children will act out characters in the story to make it more exciting.

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