Sunday, November 25, 2012

Module 13: Riding Invisible

Title: Riding Invisible
Author: Sandra Alonzo

This is a very interesting long graphic novel genre that tells about a boy name Yancy Aparicio who decides to run away from home with his horse name Shy because of his crazy brother Will. Living at home with his parents was nice up until when Will returned, bad things started happening at home and he would always get the blame from his parents, but he knew it was Will who was doing the damage. Yancy got really upset when he finds out that Shy's tail has been cut by his brother because he didn't give Will any money when he asked for money, yet their parents never say anything to Will. He takes Shy for a long ride into the mountains deciding what else to do so he wouldn't have to go home. They run out of food and drinks, now Yancy need to decide the next move so they can get some food and a place to stay. Yancy is keeping a journal and tries to write everything since day one in it, even the things at home and at school. Finally on day 4 Yancy meets a man name Gustavo Mendoza who works at a farm and trains horses. This man wants to help Yancy but needs to find out what and why he's away from home as he is still young and should be home with his parents. After telling his whole story, Tavo wants him to call home or someone to tell his parents that he is doing fine and not to worry. So Yancy decides to call his neighbor Tim and Eileen and tells them to please relay the message to his parents that he's okay. He meets the owner of the farm that Tavo works for and he gets a job by helping out as Tavo's nephew. Yancy is really happy that now he can afford to buy food and shelter for himself and his horse. After working for some time now Tavo asked Yancy that maybe its time for him to go back home, but Yancy begs Tavo to please let him stay for a little while longer, so Tavo listens and says only for a little while. Yancy remembers his phone is been charged and decides to call home, he listens to his mother calling his name but can't seem to say anything. He even hears his father then he hear his brother Will acting smart on the phone and slowly hangs up. Later on that same evening he calls home again and this time he listens to his mother saying how he should be home where he belongs, then she says how his brother got arrested for shoplifting. She kept ranting on about Will and finally she said that she wasn't worried about Will, she was worried about me because I was not at home. I finally came out and said "mom, I left home because Will was going to kill my horse". Yancy hangs up the phone but could not get his mom off his mind. Although they miss Yancy, things just gets tougher at home with Will, but his parents can't do anything as they try their best to help their troubled son.

Alonzo, Sandra. (2011). Riding Invisible. New York, NY: Hyperion Press

My Impression:
I have never really enjoyed reading graphic novels only because they were very long stories to read, but I do love the illustrations of these story books. As I was reading this book, it had a very interesting story line and it wasn't as bad as I thought it would be. I was very impressed with out it was like keeping a personal journal being that the author wrote daily messages of everything that was done on the daily basis. Being that the characters were young, each took their roles very seriously, with one even leaving home to do what he felt he needed to take care of his beloved animal pet the horse. I'm impress with the author expressing herself well in each character.

Professional Reviews:
( February 01, 2010; 9781423118985 )

Alonzo's first novel features the sort of likable, embattled narrator that brings to mind Arnold Spirit from Sherman Alexie's The Absolutely True Diary of a Part-Time Indian (2007), but instead of being tormented by negative stereotypes and poverty, 15-year-old Yancy's primary source of misery comes from his nearly sociopathic older brother, Will. The story is told entirely in diary form, complete with a handwriting-styled font and plenty of cartoony drawings (again reminiscent of Alexie's book). After Will, who suffers from conduct disorder, violently threatens Yancy's horse, teen and horse take off into the California desert. There, they encounter a kind Mexican worker, who helps Yancy begin to size up the challenges of living with his brother and the toll that it is taking upon the entire family. Alonzo skillfully handles teetering family dynamics, equestrian details, and the undertones of immigration and class, which add realistic depth. The resolution leaves a bevy of challenges and plenty of food for thought about family dysfunction.--Chipman, Ian Copyright 2010 Booklist

Reviews retrieve from: Bowker Books In Print

Library Use:
I would have students work in groups using this book. I would have each group compare and contrast between the two brothers Yancy and Will.

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